Sunday, May 1, 2011

Low Blood Platelets

Platelets are small tissues present in the body, which circulate round the body. The medical name for platelets is thrombocytes and are necessary for fighting infections and blood clotting. The platelet level differs from person to person, the normal count ranges from 150,000 - 400,000/ml. If the counts drops lower than 150,000 it is regarded as low blood platelets count and is also known as thrombocytopenia. There are three levels in low blood platelets, mild, moderate and severe, based on the count. Platelets of 100,000 - 150,000/ml are regarded mild, 50,000 - 100,000/mlƒw are regarded moderate whereas, less than 50,000/ml are regarded severe. Based on the level, medications are suggested.

Low Blood Platelets Causes
Generally, when one sees the blood test report, a number of figures are given. You are supposed to show the doctor the report, he will give you the shortest possible explanation of the blood report, which increases curiosity rather than curbing it. You do not understand why things are like that and what they mean. So here are the causes of low blood platelets, which will help you to recognize the causes of the low count.

Platelets are produced by the bone marrow in the body. If a person is effected by a bone marrow disorder, the bone marrow does not produce enough platelets and this results in low platelets in blood.
Another cause of low blood platelet is the enlargement of the spleen. This condition is seen in myelofibrosis and some forms of cirrhosis. If the spleen enlarges, the blood platelets are trapped inside and this results in lower number of platelets in the bloodstream. More on the symptoms of cirrhosis of the liver.
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura is one of the conditions of low blood platelets, in which an abnormal amount of antibodies are produced by the immune system. These antibodies destroy the body's platelets. The reason for the production of these antibodies is yet unknown.
Heparin can also cause low platelet count. Heparin is a drug that is prescribed in the treatment of conditions like thrombosis. Though this drug is prescribed to avoid blood clots, it can sometimes work adversely and stimulate blood clots instead. If this happens, a large number of platelets are used up, which results in low blood platelets. Read more on blood clot symptoms.
In diseases like lupus and HIV, the body can destroy or use up too many platelets, resulting in low blood platelet count.
Aplastic anemia is one disorder of the blood, in which the the body stops making enough new blood cells.
An infection of the hepatitis C virus is another cause of low platelets count as it reduces the platelets in the blood stream.
Besides these causes, the other causes which might be the reason for low blood platelet count are; chemotherapy, chronic liver diseases, chronic lymphocytic leukemia and alcoholism.

Low Blood Platelets Symptoms
The most common symptoms of low blood platelets are as follows:

One of the most obvious symptom of low blood platelets is bleeding. The nose, the gums or the cheeks inside the mouth bleed for no reason. Also, if one gets even a small wound, the bleeding does not stop for a long time.
Bleeding inside the body is also possible (internal bleeding). The main symptom of internal bleeding caused due to purpura, is red or purple discolorations on the skin.
Reddish purple spots on the body, which look like a rash, are also a symptom of low blood platelet count. They are called as petechiae.
Women with low blood platelet count experience heavy bleeding during menstruation.
Tiredness, easy bruising and uncertainty or unnecessary fear can also be a symptom of low blood platelets.

Treatment for Low Blood Platelets
The treatment of low blood platelets depends upon the cause. If the platelet count is of the severe level, the patient is treated in the hospital by a transfusion of platelets. If the count has lowered because of some specific drug, doctors suggest a substitute drug. In cases where antibodies destroy platelets, corticosteroid such as prednisone are suggested temporarily. And when the low platelets are because of spleen trapping, the spleen can be surgically removed. More on blood disorders.

This is was all about low blood platelets. You can avoid a drastic drop in the platelet level by consuming leafy vegetables and fruits like bananas and oranges. Making the bone marrow stronger by adding calcium in your diet, through milk and dairy products is also one way to avoid low blood platelets.

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